Dr. Kathryn Schreiner - Lab PI
Julia agnich - lab manager
Manages the organic chemistry lab and analyzes samples for external clients.
Graduate Students
Bennett hanson
I work on identifying and quantifying a class of unsaturated lipids, known as highly branched isoprenoids (HBIs). We use techniques such as gas chromatography (GC) and mass spectrometry (MS) to isolate and characterize these molecules.
Janna Quick
I am working to quantify specific sulfur-containing amino acids and sulfolipids to learn more about the total organic sulfur pool in the sediment of Lake Superior. Combined with other analyses, this will give insight into the cryptic sulfur cycling in the lake's sediment.
Peter Conowall
I work on an LCCMR funded microplastics project. This project focuses on microplastic pollution in four of the Minnesota Sentinel Lakes. My research includes field work with the Minnesota DNR and the isolation and identification of microplastics from field samples (surface water, sediment, and fish).
Collin Murphy
Research focus is reconstructing prehistoric copper mining on Isle Royale (MI) via lake sediment. We use trace metals (Pb) to investigate temporal and spatial patterns of mining. We are also using biogeochemical proxies (δ13C, C:N, and Lignin phenol) to reconstruct Holocene paleoenvironmental conditions, allowing us to examine any potential interplay between climate and ancient mining societies.
Madelyn Petersen
I work on an NSF-funded grant studying sulfur in its inorganic forms in Lake Superior. My research involves collecting Lake Superior sediment samples on the RV-Blue Heron and isolating and analyzing different sulfur species using various methodologies in the lab.
Previous Graduate Students
maeve ryan
Chemical changes during the degradation of ectomycorrhizal fungal tissue in forest soils and the potential contribution of ECM fungal tissue to long-lived soil carbon stores, specially comparing high-melanin and low-melanin fungal species, using py-GCMS and FTIR analysis to characterize degrading tissue. Maeve graduated with an MS in Chemistry in 2019 and now works as a Field Services Engineer for Agilent Technologies in Stillwater, MN.
Erik bye
Comparisons of chemistry of soil organic matter formation under C3 and C4 marshes in an artificially warmed environment, using solid state NMR and FTIR combined with lignin-phenol and stable isotope analysis. Erik graduated with an MS in Water Resources Science in 2018 and now works as a Water Resources Specialist at Short Elliott Hendrickson consultants.
valerie Bruner
Chemical changes during the degradation of saprotrophic fungal tissues in soils, and the contribution of saprotrophic fungal carbon to soil organic matter stores, using py-GCMS. Val graduated with an MS in Chemistry in 2018 and now works for ChromTech in Minneapolis, MN.
Rachel Van Allen
Soil organic matter formation during new marsh establishment, following a marsh transgressing upslope into a previous upland forest, using lignin-phenol and stable isotope analysis. Rachel graduated with an MS in Water Resources Science in 2017 and now works for the University of Illinois as a field research specialist.